Chapter 1-The Message
of Daniel
I. God’s Working in International Affairs
(v.1, 2)
A. Word of the Lord Prophesied (v.1)
(Jeremiah 25:9,12) Babylon: Land of Shinar
(Gen 10:8-10) Kingdom of Nimrod/Babel: Place
of Mystery Religion Paganism/All False
Religions/Mother of Harlots (Rev 17:5) *City’s
Description: 14sq/mi/Hanging Gardens
B. Beginning of the Times of the Gentiles (v.2)
(Daniel 9:27; Luke 21:24; Romans 11:25)
King’s Selection for Chaldean Culture Conversion (v.3-7)
A. Chosen Children of Nobility (v.3,
4a; II Kings 20:17,18) Daniel: ‘God will judge’
“Visit sins/fathers unto the third and fourth
generation” (Exodus 34:7)
(5) Qualifications of the
Chaldeans: [Josephus]
1-Age: 14-20 Willing and capable of being educated
(Babylonian Tradition:
culturally convert only the children of nobility/standing)
2-Without blemish: Without
defects in their physical appearance
3-Well favored: Pleasing to look
4-Skillful in all
Aptitude for every kind of
learning necessary to serve/king
5-Ability to stand in the king’s
palace: Possessed social skills to serve the king’s court
B. Conversion to Chaldean Culture (v.4, 5)
-3 year program/extensive 24
hours a day indoctrination into the culture of Babylon
-Famous for huge
library/education system
C. Changing the Names (v.6,7)
-Daniel-God is my
Judge/Belteshazzar: Protect his life!
-Hananiah-The Lord is gracious/Shadrach:
Command of Aku the moon god
-Mishael-Who is what God is?
Meshach: Who is what Aku is?
-Azariah-The Lord will
help/Abednego: Servant of Nebo, the second ranking god
[Major attempt to convert to
paganism totally unsuccessful!]
God’s Working in Personal/Spiritual Affairs (v.8-21)
A. Daniel w/3 Faithful Standing on
Principle (v.8) Moral test-unclean meats/pork, horseflesh
Offered to Babylonian gods
1. Refusal seen as insult to
2. Peer pressure made it
3. Behavior jeopardize
4. Quality of food was
5. New location 900 mi/Judah/parents
tempted them to be unfaithful
6. Argument: God’s protection and
privilege in Chaldean culture gave them license to disobey ‘trivial’ commands
of Judaism/Leviticus 11
Illustr: Daniel’s (8)
Similarities/Parallels to Joseph
1-Both young (increasing severity of
temptation) Hebrew Men
2-Both captives in a strange
land-‘Culture Shock’
3-Both brought to live in places of
high governmental authority
4-Both gifted by God to have
dreams/understand and interpret dreams of others
5-Both underwent intense moral
6-Both were victorious through
multiple trials, troubles, tribulation & testings
7-Both eventually promoted to honor,
glory & powerful positions in government
8-Both actively used to deliver the
people of God
Daniel Given Favor by God (v.9) The Lord had prepared the way for Daniel’s decision
“The king’s heart is in the hand of
the Lord” (Proverbs 21:1)
Attitude/Wisdom Toward Authority (Godly
Appeal Higher Authority)
C. Daniel Under Authority (v.10-13)
1. Asks w/right attitude: ‘Please test 10
days let us be given pulse’: vegetables seed grains lentils
2. Did not condemn/eating was wrong (10:2,
3. Offers a reasonable alternative
4. Gives option to his master
5. Separation from sin is the key
D. Daniel
Proven by God (v.14-16) Fairer: Goodly, Favorable-Fatter in flesh: Firm,
Healthier, Better nourished
E. Daniel Blessed/Gifted by God (v.17) Js
1:17‘Every good and perfect gift/4 w/keen intellect-Daniel only
Visions, oracles, divine communion,
prophecy-vision/visions (32) times/Daniel
F. Daniel Approved by the King (v.18, 19)
Communed: Spoke, conversed, testing
ability/stand before the king: Served in his
Given Great Spiritual Gifts (v.20)
Prudence in religious/ethical affairs
Understanding: Discernment-10:1 over king’s
spiritual counselors
Continued... (v.21)
Outlived all of his masters/5 kings/Babylon &
Darius the Mede 605-535
Daniel 622-535 B.C. 87 years old
God Will Richly Bless Those Who Stand on Principle
w/Submissive Attitude/Wisdom Toward Authority (Godly Appeal Higher Authority
w/Submissive Attitude/Wisdom Toward Authority (Godly Appeal Higher Authority
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