Sunday, June 22, 2014

Window on the Conflict in the Heavenleis-Daniel Chapter 10

                                                ‘Window on the Conflict in the Heavenlies’
                                                                   Daniel Chapter 10

  1. The doctrine of angels is broadened in Daniel’s prophecy as the ‘watchers…holy ones’ are seen in Chapter 4 giving a ‘decree’ concerning Nebuchadnezzar, and here in Chapter 10 Michael and the Devil’s Princes/angels/demons over Persia/Greece are introduced giving us a view into the battle that rages continually in the spirit world.

  1. These Princes are said to ‘fight’ showing the kingdom of darkness/evil in its intense and continual opposition against God’s Kingdom of Light/Good.

  1. The word ‘prince’ is used in the New Testament by the Lord Jesus on three occasions in the John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11. Satan is the prince of this world so he must have lesser princes that rule over certain regions as described by Paul in Ephesians 2:2, 6:12 as ‘the prince of the power of the air’.

  1. Daniel 10 indicates that these ‘Princes’ have authority over physical kingdoms/nations/countries with two of the Beast Empires, Persia and Greece listed here.

  1. Daniel 10 also indicates these evil angels are behind the trouble and opposition encountered by Jews as they stir up the spirits of their enemies as also shown in Ezra 1 which occurred approximately the same time this encounter in the heavenlies was taking place.

  1. Michael is introduced here in Daniel 10 and given the title Chief Prince showing his high position and
And he is also called ‘Michael your Prince’ indicating his protective working on behalf of Israel. He is mentioned five times in the Bible the first time in Daniel 10:13, also in 10:21 and12:1, once in Jude 9, where he is called an archangel, disputing with the devil over the body of Moses and once in Revelation 12:7 where he and his angels are victorious over ‘the dragon’ the devil himself.

  1. There are only two angels named in the Bible though the Jews name seven. Gabriel and Michael are the    
Two named, with Gabriel meaning ‘Hero of God’ who performs God’s peaceful/positive work. Michael which means ‘Who is like God’ has the assignments which appear to be warlike and defensive/negative.

  1. Michael is seen doing a work for the Daniel/Jews here in Chapter 10 as his intervening in the battle with 
Satan’s Princes caused the prayer of Daniel to be answered and gave opportunity for this great vision to be given and recorded in the last three chapters of his prophecy.

  1. Michael still has a great work to accomplish as described in Revelation 12 when he and the angels under  
His authority will battle the devil at the mid-point of Daniel’s Seventieth Week and gain the victory over them causing the expulsion of ‘the great dragon…that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.’ (Revelation 12:9)

  1. The information supplied here by Daniel in Chapter 10 illuminates and identifies the source of the          vicious conflicts and fierce persecutions the Jews have experienced throughout the history of the world especially those in the Bible recorded by Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther showing us that all of those troublous times for the Jews were in fact authored by the devil and his princes in their non-stop attempt to annihilate the physical and spiritual people of God!
                                                  Portions taken from: ‘The Message of Daniel’ Arthur Petrie, ThD

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