Describes the Antichrist"
He, the 'little horn' will form a three-nation confederacy which are the 'three
of the first horns' (v.8, 24)
He will speak 'very great things' and will possess a 'look' appearance 'more
stout than his fellows'. (v.20)
He makes war with the saints and prevails against them. v.21 (Revelation 11:7)
He shall speak great words against the Most High' v.25 (II Thessalonians 2:4)
He 'shall wear out the saints of the Most High' v.25 (Revelation 13:7)
He shall think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hand
until 3 1/2 years are up. (v.25)
Daniel 8:23-25
1. He will appear in the latter times
(Daniel's Seventieth Week) of Israel's
history (v.23)
2. Through alliances with other nations he
achieves world influence (v.24)
3. His peace program helps his rise to power (v.25)
4. He is extremely intelligent and persuasive (v.23)
5. He is characterized by Satanic control (v.24)
6. He is the adversary of Israel and the
Prince of princes the Lord Jesus Christ/Messiah (v.24,25)
7. Direct judgment from God ends his rule (v.25)
Daniel 9:27
1. He makes/confirms a covenant with the many
for one week (7 years)
2. In the midst of the week he causes the
sacrifice to cease, and sets himself up as god in the holy place, he/his image being the "abomination of
desolation" (Matthew 24:15)
3. And that determined (his destruction by
God) shall be poured upon the desolator
The covenant he makes with Israel guarantees peace and protection, but it is a product of deception. (v.23)
In time of peace he conquers areas which were not conquered before,
distributing the spoils, devising schemes, but his downfall will come. (v.24)
He tries to conquer Egypt
"the king of the south" with a great army but without success (v.25)
He will return to Israel and
be against the holy covenant he made with Israel. (v.28)
He again heads toward the south but a naval power, probably Italy, will
come against him. He returns and fulfils the Lord's prophecy concerning the
"abomination of desolation." (v.30, 31)
He does according to his will, exalting and magnifying himself above every god,
speaking against the God of Heaven, prospering until the appointed time of
being rendered useless by the Lord Himself. (v.36)
He shows no regard for the gods of his fathers, or for the desire of women,
many believe he is Jewish and therefore this refers to the Messiah, as women
desire to be the mother of Messiah. (v.37)
He instead honors the god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know,
which is in reality Satan himself. (v.38)
He goes to war with the help of Satan and is successful giving honor to those
who worship him, giving them rule over many. (v.39)
The king of the south (Egypt)
and the king of the north (Syria)
will come against him with great forces, but he will pass through conquering even though Edom, Moab, and the children of Ammon
will escape.(v.40, 41)
He will have success over the land and possessions of Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia
will also be under his dominion. (v.42, 43)
But tidings out of the east (Euphrates 200M) and north (Russia)
troubles him increasing his fury destroying multitudes. (v.44)
He will set up his headquarters between Jerusalem
(Holy Mountain)
and the Mediterranean Sea (v.45a)
He will be utterly destroyed by the Lord in the end, and no one will come to
his help. (v.45b)
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